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Senior Back to School Senior's Volunteer |
Volunteer Services
Meet Senior Singles - Self Improvement
Why not there are always things of interest to learn. Things you never got around to learning. You put off in leau of family responsibilities. Now is your time learn things and do things you want to do. It can be a reasonably price class at a junior college, retirement seminars or online courses. Group classes are great ways to meet active seniors. Most importantly you are expanding your mind and staying active. School may not be for you volunteer locally, nationally or internationally. Seniors have a wealthy of experience and knowledge to share. Give and receive love and appreciation. Classes or volunteering there is a good chance you may meet someone with mutual interests. Retired seniors out of the workforce maybe isolated and not meeting people of interest.Back to school or volunteer work enables interacting with people with similar interest. Senior are working longer. still employed nothing wrong with additional education to improve skills. Maybe considering starting a new profession. A new profession requires specialized education in that field. Get out pursue things of interests. Self improvement and mind stimulation.
List of Classes:
Academic or Skill Specialized Classes
Still working take junior college, college or specialized skill courses to improve skills. Many not want the hassle of going to classes there are online courses. Retired considering starting a new business. You may be familiar with business or starting from zero. Consider junior college, college or specialize training institutions. There are online courses available. Be sure to investigate any on campus or online learning center for reputability. The draw back with online classes is that you do not interact with people. Online classes not going to meet anyone but positive self-improvement.
Home Improvement
May have been in your home for a long time. As time passes you do not realize that the décor maybe outdated. Comfortable with the décor but take classes on fluffing the home up a bit. Ideas can be as simple as new color schemes for rooms. Flooring ideas new carpet or hardwood flooring. Room renovation the kitchen or bathrooms are away rooms that need renovation. May have popcorn ceiling learn the advantages and cost for smooth ceilings. Great way to meet outgoing gal or guy.
Knitting, Croquette or Sewing Classes
These are girly classes. Retirees tend to become isolated. You’re no longer in the workforce and you are not interacting with people. In these classes learn to make items of interest (sweaters, hats, dresses, booties and etc.) You are interactive with other people and may meet new friends. Friends that can expand your social circle and maybe introduce you to ideal mate.
Gardening for the Home:
Growing Herbs and Herb Glossary
Gardening classes for flowers, plants, vegetables and herbs. Learn flower and plants for home gardening and landscaping. Plan your year around landscaping learn annual and perennial plants. Watering and fertilizing requirements per plant. Grown your own flowers and plants in your yard or patio. Growing your own vegetables money saving and healthy.
Communal Gardening:
People want health vegetables and fruits. A growing tend is communal gardening. Communal gardening is supported by individuals, non-profit groups and religious groups. Individual are starting their own projects in low income communities. Gardening spaces have been donated by churches and some cities have agreed to donate land for communal gardening projects. In any case, sow and harvest your own produce. Search communal gardens in your area. Organic gardening learn non toxic pesticides, mulching, seeding and harvest. Green thumbs with same nature interest met green thumbs.
Nature Club:
Start a nature club. Friends, family and groups plan hikes and park trips. Hike or bike ride the trails. Plan a picnic or just find a grassy spot and enjoy the wonders of nature.
Art Classes or Art History Classes
These are classes you always wanted to take but never had time. Now is the time. Examples are: art classes, home decor, fashion design, architecture, watercolor, acrylics, ceramics or oil painting classes and etc. Perhaps you do not have artistic skills but fascinated with art history. Art is interrelated to world history. Consider medieval art, classical art, renaissance art, impressionist art or modern art. Sure fire way to met someone with similar interests. Take college courses always wanted to take. You will be interrelating with people with similar interest.
Cooking Classes - Seasoned cooks or novice cooks may want to learn cuisines from different countries Example would be Chinese cooking or Korean cooking. Healthy Cooking: Old fashion dishes are cooked healthier low fats and low carbohydrate. Consider gourmet cooking classes. Looking to learn foreign dishes, gourmet cooking or learn healthier ways to prepare meals. Men as well as women are interested in cooking classes.
There are 5 languages of love. Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Romanian are Romantic Languages. Based from Vulgar Latin (or Romance) language. Going on vacation or just want knowledge of a foreign language now is a great time to learn.
Local Parks - YMCAs
Seniors meet people try classes at your local park or YMCA. Some local parks give swimming classes. Fun relaxing sport to learn. Swimming is a great daily exercise. Some seniors may need a more vigorous sport try tennis lessons. Swimming or tennis classes are wonderful ways to get out of the house, get healthy exercise and meet people.
Golf Courses:
Men of certain ages seem to have an obsession with golf. Women of a certain age if there is an interest in learning golf local golf courses have golf classes. If do not want to take classes alone get some girlfriends together and learn in a girlfriend group. Socialize and enjoy the green. Girl learning golf may meet an interesting Guy.
Ballroom or Flamenco Dancing
Artistic way to exercise and what the heck you may meet someone.
Yoga Classes:
Yoga provides spiritual and physical benefits is all ages.
Seniors Volunteer
Back to school may not be for you. Approximately 25% - 30% of Seniors are Volunteering. You can volunteer locally, nationally or internationally. Seniors have an abundance of knowledge and experiences. Share knowledge and volunteer time. Based on the current economy there is a demand for willing and able volunteers sharing time and knowledge. Senior Volunteer Suggestions:
Local Animal Shelter - Humane Society
Community service check your local animal shelter or animal protection service. Another suggestion is to check local pet adoption services. Volunteering may include assisting in fund raisers, walking dogs, assisting with mailers and emails. Local pet adoption services need volunteers for pet adoption days, mailers and more.
United We Serve
Community and National volunteer services. Only 01% American men and women service in uniform. Volunteer services to support troops, troop's families and veterans.
American Red Cross
Disaster and human relief organization. Approximately 95% of American Red Cross workforce are volunteers. Local , National and International organization responds to near 70,000 disasters per year. Teaches volunteers first aid, CPR, swimming and other lifesaving skills. Skilling volunteers making them lifesaving skill ready. Volunteer donors contribute millions units of blood annually. International Red Cross credited to reconnecting families separated by war and disaster. Multiple volunteer departments view site and call for more information.
Volunteer Abroad
International program in developing countries. Volunteers in Africa, India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Guatemala, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Thailand, China, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Mexico. 2012 - 2013 forecaster to open new programs Argentina, Sri Lanka and Russia. Volunteer choose amount of time from one day to 6 months.Various programs for seniors wishing to volunteer in under developed countries. Programs include: teaching, medical providers, HIV/Aids awareness, women empowerment, athletic programs, construction projects, conservation projects, panda conservation, water and swimming works, orphanage assistance and farming/agricultural project.
Seniors are well educated with a wealth of knowledge. There are underdeveloped countries that can benefit and appreciate your time and knowledge. Partner organizations in each country align volunteer's interest and experiences with country of choice where there is real demand for help and assistance. There are reasonable program fees. Sounds like a great adventure. For more information view site link.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity International ecumenical Christian organization. Goal to provide decent housing internationally. Volunteers are welcome of all religions and backgrounds. Founded in 1976 by Millard Fuller and Linda Fuller. Volunteer works: housing construction, housing renovations and disaster relief. Volunteer programs: Local Habitat for Humanity, Youth Programs ages( 5-25), Woman Build, RV Care-A-Vanners, Brush with Kindness (maintaining exterior Habitat homes), Global Village Program, International Volunteer Program (6 to 12 month program), U.S. Volunteer Program (2 to 6 months) and AmeriCorps/VISTA National Service (must be 18 year old or older). It appears the minimal age is 5 years old or older. Requires manual labor volunteers should be in good health.
Seniors Volunteer Locally
- Volunteer at Local Hospitals
- Volunteer Local Museums
- Volunteer in Mentoring Program
- Volunteer local Meals on Wheels Program
- Volunteer Local Homeless Shelter
- Volunteer Local Pet Adoption Group
- Local Military Service Group or Veteran Group
- Volunteer Local Church
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