Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Senior People Meet - Seniors Back to School or Seniors Volunteer

Senior Back to School
Senior's Volunteer
 Seniors Back to School and
 Volunteer Services
 Meet Senior Singles - Self Improvement
Why not there are always things of interest to learn. Things you never got around to learning. You put off in leau of family responsibilities. Now is your time learn things and do things you want to do.  It can be a reasonably price class at a junior college, retirement seminars or online courses. Group classes are great ways to meet active seniors. Most importantly you are expanding your mind and staying active. School may not be for you volunteer locally, nationally or internationally. Seniors have a wealthy of experience and knowledge to share. Give and receive  love and appreciation. Classes or volunteering there is a good chance you may meet someone with mutual interests. Retired seniors out of the workforce maybe isolated and not meeting people of interest.Back to school or volunteer work enables interacting with people with similar interest.  Senior are working longer. still employed nothing wrong with additional education to improve skills. Maybe considering starting a new profession. A new profession requires specialized education in that field. Get out pursue things of interests. Self improvement and mind stimulation.
List of Classes:

Academic or Skill Specialized Classes
Still working take junior college, college  or specialized skill courses to improve skills. Many not want the hassle of going to classes there are online courses.  Retired considering starting a new business. You may be familiar with business or starting from zero. Consider junior college, college or specialize training institutions. There are online courses available. Be sure to investigate any on campus or online learning center for reputability. The draw back with online classes is that you do not interact with people. Online classes not going to meet anyone but positive self-improvement.

Home Improvement
May have been in your home for a long time. As time passes you do not realize that the décor maybe outdated. Comfortable with the décor but take classes on fluffing the home up a bit. Ideas can be as simple as new color schemes for rooms. Flooring ideas new carpet or hardwood flooring. Room renovation the kitchen or bathrooms are away rooms that need renovation. May have popcorn ceiling learn the advantages and cost for smooth ceilings. Great way to meet outgoing gal or guy.

Knitting, Croquette or Sewing Classes
These are girly classes. Retirees tend to become isolated. You’re no longer in the workforce and you are not interacting with people. In these classes learn to make items of interest (sweaters, hats, dresses, booties and etc.) You are interactive with other people and may meet new friends. Friends that can expand your social circle and maybe introduce you to ideal mate.

Gardening for the Home:
Growing Herbs and Herb Glossary
Gardening classes for flowers, plants, vegetables and herbs. Learn flower and plants for home gardening and landscaping. Plan your year around landscaping learn annual and perennial plants. Watering and fertilizing requirements per plant. Grown your own flowers and plants in your yard or patio. Growing your own vegetables money saving and healthy. 

Communal Gardening:
People want health vegetables and fruits. A growing tend is communal gardening. Communal gardening is supported by individuals, non-profit groups and religious groups. Individual are starting their own projects in low income communities. Gardening spaces have been donated by churches and some cities have agreed to donate land for communal gardening projects. In any case, sow and harvest your own produce. Search communal gardens in your area. Organic gardening learn non toxic pesticides, mulching, seeding and harvest. Green thumbs with same nature interest met green thumbs.

Nature Club:
Start a nature club. Friends, family and groups plan hikes and park trips. Hike or bike ride the trails. Plan a picnic or just find a grassy spot and enjoy the wonders of nature.

Art Classes or Art History Classes
These are classes you always wanted to take but never had time. Now is the time. Examples are: art classes, home decor, fashion design, architecture, watercolor, acrylics, ceramics or oil painting classes and etc. Perhaps you do not have artistic skills but fascinated with art history. Art is interrelated to world history. Consider medieval art, classical art, renaissance art, impressionist art or modern art. Sure fire way to met someone with similar interests. Take college courses always wanted to take. You will be interrelating with people with similar interest. 

Cooking Classes - Seasoned cooks or novice cooks may want to learn cuisines from different countries Example would be Chinese cooking or Korean cooking. Healthy Cooking: Old fashion dishes are cooked healthier low fats and low carbohydrate. Consider gourmet cooking classes. Looking to learn foreign dishes, gourmet cooking  or learn healthier ways to prepare meals. Men as well as women are interested in cooking classes.

There are 5 languages of love. Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Romanian are Romantic Languages. Based from Vulgar Latin (or Romance) language. Going on vacation or just want knowledge of a foreign language now is a great time to learn.

Local Parks - YMCAs
Seniors meet people try classes at your local park or YMCA. Some local parks give swimming classes. Fun relaxing sport to learn. Swimming is a great daily exercise. Some seniors may need a more vigorous sport try tennis lessons. Swimming or tennis classes are wonderful ways to get out of the house, get healthy exercise and meet people.

Golf Courses:
Men of certain ages seem to have an obsession with golf. Women of a certain age if there is an interest in learning golf local golf courses have golf classes. If do not want to take classes alone get some girlfriends together and learn in a girlfriend group. Socialize and enjoy the green. Girl learning golf may meet an interesting Guy.

Ballroom or Flamenco Dancing
Artistic way to exercise and what the heck you may meet someone.

Yoga Classes:
Yoga provides spiritual and physical benefits is all ages.

Seniors Volunteer
Back to school may not be for you. Approximately 25% - 30% of Seniors are Volunteering. You can volunteer locally, nationally or internationally. Seniors have an abundance of knowledge and experiences. Share knowledge and volunteer time. Based on the current economy there is a demand for willing and able volunteers sharing time and knowledge.

Senior Volunteer Suggestions:

Local Animal Shelter - Humane Society
Community service check your local animal shelter or animal protection service. Another suggestion is to check local pet adoption services. Volunteering may include assisting in fund raisers, walking dogs, assisting with mailers and emails. Local pet adoption services need volunteers for pet adoption days, mailers and more.

United We Serve
Community and National volunteer services. Only 01% American men and women service in uniform. Volunteer services to support troops, troop's families and veterans.

 American Red Cross
Disaster and human relief organization. Approximately 95% of American Red Cross workforce are volunteers. Local , National and International organization responds to near 70,000 disasters per year. Teaches volunteers first aid, CPR, swimming and other lifesaving skills. Skilling volunteers making them lifesaving skill ready. Volunteer donors contribute millions units of blood annually. International Red Cross credited to reconnecting families separated by war and disaster. Multiple volunteer departments view site and call for more information.

Volunteer Abroad
International program in developing countries. Volunteers in Africa, India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Guatemala, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Thailand, China, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Mexico. 2012 - 2013 forecaster to open new programs Argentina, Sri Lanka and Russia. Volunteer choose amount of time  from one day to 6 months.Various programs for seniors wishing to volunteer in under developed countries. Programs include: teaching, medical providers, HIV/Aids awareness, women empowerment, athletic programs, construction projects, conservation projects, panda conservation, water and swimming works, orphanage assistance and farming/agricultural project.  

Seniors are well educated with a wealth of knowledge. There are underdeveloped countries that can benefit and appreciate your time and knowledge. Partner organizations in each country align volunteer's interest and experiences with country of choice where there is real demand for help and assistance. There are reasonable program fees. Sounds like a great adventure. For more information view site link.

Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity International ecumenical Christian organization. Goal to provide decent housing internationally. Volunteers are welcome of all religions and backgrounds. Founded in 1976 by Millard Fuller and Linda Fuller. Volunteer works: housing construction, housing renovations and disaster relief. Volunteer programs: Local Habitat for Humanity, Youth Programs ages( 5-25), Woman Build, RV Care-A-Vanners, Brush with Kindness (maintaining exterior Habitat homes), Global Village Program, International Volunteer Program (6 to 12 month program), U.S. Volunteer Program (2 to 6 months) and AmeriCorps/VISTA National Service (must be 18 year old or older). It appears the minimal  age is 5 years old or older. Requires manual labor volunteers should be in good health.

Seniors Volunteer Locally

  • Volunteer at Local Hospitals
  • Volunteer  Local Museums
  • Volunteer in Mentoring Program
  • Volunteer local Meals on Wheels Program
  • Volunteer Local Homeless Shelter
  • Volunteer Local Pet Adoption Group
  • Local Military Service Group or Veteran Group
  • Volunteer Local Church

Self improvement classes and meet new friends with similar interests. Check for classes at local junior colleges, colleges, specialized programs, senior community organizations and religious groups. Interested in communal gardening growing your own plants check online referrals and local churches. More than 25% of seniors are volunteering their time. Site has volunteer organizations locally, nationally and internationally. Sure fire ways to expand interests, give back and for Meet Senior Singles.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Senior Friend Finders "It Is a Wonderful Life"

"It Is A Wonderful Life"
 I am a old movie buff. Every Christmas I watch "It Is A Wonderful Life." Produced 1946 actors, James Steward, Donna Reed and Lionel Barrymore. Post WWII movie that was the way dating, love and marriage was suppose to be. The wife played by, Donna Reed married a high school mate. The man she loved. Even though she had the opportunity to marry a man of greater financial means. With love, respect and honesty they settled in one home raised their kids. George was a honest business man. Surprisingly, he the community banker. They did not have much financially but had wealthy family unity and community friends. Mr. Bailey played , Lionel Barrymore was the heartless community banker. The owner of "Potter's Field". Clarence, the angel trying to earn his wings had to show George how his life had graced everyone that knew him. Through Hollywood magic George was shown what life would have been if he had never been born. After this visual experience via Clarence, George was happy and grateful to be alive. The end of the film the whole community knew George was in a financial bind and could be facing prison time. Family and the whole community rushed to George's aid offering what ever they could spare. Therefore, George was considered "The Wealthiest Man In Town." This is a magical movie.

Remember that old black and white television? The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet aired from 1952 to 1966. Dad, Ozzie Nelson and his wife, Harriet Nelson and their two sons, David Nelson and Ricky Nelson. They lived in the picket fence family neighborhood, “Thorny”. The dad worked and the mom was a stay at home wife and mother. A house, two kids, one dog, one car, working dad and stay at home mom. The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, epitomized values and ideas of the American family in the 1950s. In the 1950s and early 1960s a unmarried women single passed 21 years of age carried a stigma.

In the 1960s and 70s America’s social climate was changing. Examples: Viet Nam War, the war protest, Civil Rights Movement, the birth control pill, women seeking employment, women seeking higher education, U.S.landing on the moon, IBM release of the computer and etc. Social valued were changing the Ozzie Harriet era was passing. The show ended in 1966.

"It Is A Wonderful Life" and Ozzie and Harriet were great symbols of dating and marriage in the 40s, 50s and 60s. Traditional ways of meeting friends and mates remain the same. Couple meeting at church, through family and friends, social events and bars. With the times dating has been enhanced. Technology has changed everything. A few decades ago computer technology used mainly in industry. Today most home have a home computer.  Old methods of matchmaking have been enhanced via technology. Profiling and testing goals are to match compatible mates. Online members can date a multitude of categories. Examples can be local, Senior Christian dating. There are various categories: Single dating, Single Parent dating, Senior dating, Christian dating, Jewish dating, Hispanic dating, Asian dating, Black dating and More. Find mate locally, nationally or internationally.   Socially dating has changed and ushered in a new dating era. Estimates predict that technology will become a major tool for people seeking mates.
Online dating is to stay.  

Senior Friend Finders
Senior Dating Online

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Meet Senior Singles – Trousseau Hope Chest

Toscana Wood Metal set of 2
 Seniors known as Baby Boomer’s mother’s and grandmother’s had trousseau's. Trousseau's was stored in “hope chests” or “glory chests”. For centuries single young women have prepared for their status as a married woman with storing trousseau in hope chests. During the Renaissance in Italy hope chests were ornate artistically decorated and more valuable than the trousseau. In the Victorian era young brides wedding trousseau could be as expensive as the wedding. Wealth was brandish in Europe and America in the 18th century and early 19th century. Thousand of dollars were spent on gowns, laced flounces, under garments, robes, evening wear, precious gems, toiletries , bed linens and bath towels. The trousseau contained new fashions for the bride’s wedding, honeymoon and early wedding days. Items were provided by professional seamstress. Valuable items are safe in the cedar lined chests. Cedar chest are moth resistant.

There was a contrast in the average and poor bride’s trousseau. Contrasting from elaborate to practical items for everyday wear and home items. Often garments were hand-sewn by the mother and female family members. If the bride to be had sewing skills she contributed. Sewn items included clothing, table and bedding linen, quilts and towels. Immigrant families migrating to America travels by sea with possessions in chests. In later decades American teenage girl were given trunks by their mothers or close female relative. It represented a coming of age for young ladies. Trousseau: clothing, personal items and household items were stored in “hope chests” or “glory chests”.

Made for television, Hatfield's and Mc Coy's, starring Kevin Costner there was a scene where Randolph "Ole Ran'l" Mc Coy destroyed his daughter's, Roseanna Hope Chest. Randolph Mc Coy felt his daughter, Roseanna had betrayed the family. He disowned Roseanna. Therefore, he destroyed her "hope chest". In the hope chest was a family heirloom, the father's old Confederate button. Touching and violent scene. I do not know if this actually happen or was made for television. In any event, the scene was symbolic of American  family's tradition of "hope chests" in the late 1800s. Trousseau's, home items and keepsakes in hope chest carried family hopes and dreams passed from one generation to the next generation.

 Until the 1950s expected path for women was marriage. The hope chest was the middle ground between courtship and marriage. The hope chest was a ritual of the hope and joy. The hope chest and trousseau represented paths of marriage and family life journey. When a young woman married the hope chest was emptied and replaced with memories throughout family life. Mothers would pass this hope chest to their daughters and the journey of the hope chest was reborn. Hope crest were heirlooms handed down from generation to generation. Marriage often times were arranged or required strong family approval.

The Lane Company, VA was a notable maker of cedar wood chest during WWII. Shirley Temple was a model for the company. Advertisement was aimed at GI’s loved ones left in domestic life. Lane Company promoted miniature 12” long chest chests as advertising gifts for high school girls. These two forms for advertisement Americanized the chest and keepsake box.

Contemporary times are different from the mid 1950s. Baby Boomer born 1946 to 1964. Women today are liberated and dowries and trousseau's are no longer common marriage traditions. 1950s and 1960s mates were found through family members, friends, church and social events. Prodigy, America Online and other Internet service providers offered forums and chat rooms for singles. By 1996 there were 16 online dating sites. Today there are more than 1,400 online dating sites. Online dating got a cultural boost with the movie "You've Got Mail" starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. In 2002 Friendster, My Space,"social networking" was introduced. Social networking can be used for business advertising, business networking, social networking, finding friends and mates. Social networking has expanded with Facebook and Twitter. Social networking used to find a mate are free services. In 2007 in USA in 2007 professional online services accounted for over $500,000,000.00 in revenues. Currently, online dating market services continues to grown and gaining in population. As technology advances dating services are able to provide additional services. Senior Dating is specialized catering to Baby Boomers 50 year old and older. Baby Boomers are post trousseau's and hope chests. People will always met mates the traditional ways. Boomer have expanded their friend finder search options. Considering online senior matchmaking. This may seem old-fashion but when you find the special someone a “hope chest” still seems like a vintage romantic idea even today.

Senior Friend Finder -Meet Senior Singles

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Seniors Still Active In the Music Industry and Famous Baby Boomers

Seniors Still Active In Music Industry - Famous Baby Boomers

Mick Jagger 2010
 Approximately 40% of the seniors intend to work full time or part time pass retirement age of 65 years. Seniors are working in their established careers or starting second careers. Seniors also engage in regular volunteer work. Educated with life experiences and skills the rocking chair is not for Seniors. Mick Jagger, Sweet Baby James and Paul Mc Carthy are still going strong. Seniors have invaluable educated, and artistic social skills .Seniors are now working longer with professional skills improving with age.

Senior grossing music concert tours in 2010:

- James Taylor (Sweet Baby James) age 62 music tour grossed $50.7 million.

- Paul McCarthy (Former member of Beatles) age 68 music tour grossed $61.8 million.

- Brian Johnson age 63 music tour grossed $177 million.

- Glenn Frey age 62 (The Eagles) grossed $64.5 million.

- Roger Waters age 67 worldwide music tour grossed $90 million.

- Tina Turner live concert in Holland 2009

- Mick Jagger and Keith Richards last tour was in 2007 grossed $558 million. Mick Jagger (Rolling Stones) intends to tour 2011.

Famous Senior Baby Boomers
Between 1946-1964 approximately 80,000,000 Baby Boomers were born. Baby Boomers have kept us entertained and have run the government for a few decades. In the futrue these Baby Boomers well remain influencial in entertainment and government. Review a few Famous Baby Boomers.

  • Christine Amanpour
  • Mikheil Baryshnikov
  • Jovi Bon Jovi
  • James Brolin (Pre-Boomer)
  • George W. Bush
  • James Carvell
  • Bill Clinton
  • Hilliary Clinton 
  • George Clooney
  • Russel Crowe
  • Tom Cruise
  • Richard Gere
  • Arthea Franklin
  • Colin Firth
  • Tom Hanks 
  • Elton John 
  • Bill Gates 
  • Michael Jackson (deceased) 
  • Samuel Jackson
  • Mick Jagger 
  • Billy Joel 
  • Donna Karan
  • Ted Kennedy, Jr. 
  • Spike Lee
  • David Letterman
  • Jay Leno
  • Yo Yo Ma
  • Viggo Mortensen
  • Barack Obama 
  • Madonna
  • Mary Matlin
  • Liam Neeson
  • Stevie Nicks 
  • Sean Penn 
  • Smokey Robinson
  • Mitt Romney 
  • Bruce Springsteen
  • George Strait
  • Barbara Streisand 
  • Sharon Stone
  • John Travolta
  • Denzel Washington 
  • Brian Williams
  • Oprah Winfrey 
  • Stevie Wonder
  • Prince Charles of Wales
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Seniors Is There A Stigma With Online Dating?

History Online Dating
Seniors Is There A Stigma With Online Dating?

History Online Dating

In bygone days seniors  meet their dates through family members, family friends, social friends, social events, in high school, college, church or personal ads. Today these are still ways to meet a mate but online dating accounts for approximate 20% of successful matchmaking. Online dating has become a popular trend all over the world with China having the largest online dating market. Baby boomers maybe wondering how did online dating come about and how did it become so popular.
Online dating is a reflection of the time. The Internet and dating have merged and is a part of the Internet revolution. In Internet allows people to search for partners locally or internationally. Dating services provide members profiles, images, videos, chat rooms and email communications. Additionally, some services provide compatibility matches. Without leaving the comfort of your computer members are able to find out a great deal about a prospective date.

There is still a stigma with online dating. The stigma is that a person must me desperate for a mate if looking for a mate online. Because of online dating success stories that stigma is lessening every year.

Prodigy, America Online and other Internet service providers offered forums and chat rooms for singles. These single chat rooms and forums created a online dating culture. In 1994 and 1995 kiss.com and match.com registered dating sites. By 1996 there were 16 online dating sites. Today there are more than 1,400 online dating sites. Online dating got a cultural boost with the movie "You've Got Mail" starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. In 2002 Friendster, My Space,"social networking" was introduced. Social networking can be used for business advertising, business networking, social networking, finding friends and mates. Social networking has expanded with Facebook and Twitter. Social networking used to find a mate are free services.

In spite of free online dating services, USA in 2007 accounted for over $500,000,000.00 in revenues. Presently, the online dating market continues to grown and gaining in population.. As technology advances dating services are able to provide additional services. Dating services have branched out into niche dating. Niche dating provides dating concentration. The dating community is not one size fits all. Individuals have unique requirements for a mate. Niche dating combine one or more categories based on individual requirements. Niche dating a striving online dating business including: Single dating, Single Parent dating, Senior dating, Asian dating, Black dating, Interracial dating, Latin dating, Christian dating, Catholic dating, Jewish dating, Executive dating, Big and Beautiful Women, Green dating, Pet Lovers, Military dating, Local dating, National dating, International dating and More.

Online dating is not a fad but here is stay. Online dating is the combination of advanced technology and people meeting people. As technology progresses online services enhance. Currently, online dating is the second largest subscription based Internet service. Online dating is a growing trend in USA, Canada, Europe, Latin America, Australia, China, India and More.

Senior Friend Finders - Meet Senior Singles 


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Senior Love Songs - Senior Dating Idea

Senior Love Songs
Senior Dating Ideal - Senior Love Songs
Seniors  have created some of the most romantic and beautiful love songs in history. Romantic dating idea one day just play those old back in the day love songs and reminisce together. Seniors remember when there were no compact disc or digital recording formats? There was a time when vinyl records were played on record players. Records were 45 rpm or 33 rpm with a A side and B side. In the 1960s the average price of a 33 rpm was 69 cents to 89 cents. Will it may seem that records are a thing of the past but those beautiful dating songs and love songs will last forever. Music appeals to all generations emotionally. Seniors in the late 1960s - 1980s were dating or married and romanced to many of these love songs. Dating ideal have a comfortable lunch or dinner date at home. Cook your special recipe. Grab bottle of wine or non-alcoholic beverage. Light up the fireplace. Dine in kitchen or dining room. Spice it up with meal on balcony or patio. Go down memory lane recall love songs of time past and present. A quite lunch or dinner is a great way to get to know someone. Depending on Oldie But Goodie Tunes your date likes may get insight in to their musical taste. More importantly, relaxing date with great meal, pleasant chit-chat and favorite tunes.

Love Songs and Artists To Remember:

No Regrets - Edith Piaf

Frank Sinatra - Day In, Day Out - 1953, 1954, 1958

Your Cheatin' Heart - 1953

Earth Angel - 1954

Why Do Fools Fall in Love - Frankie Lymon - 1956

Love Me Tender - Elvis Presley - 1956

From This Moment On - Frank Sinatra - 1956

You Send Me - Sam Cooke - 1957

Chances Are - Johnny Mathis - 1957

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams - Tony Bennett - 1957

Lonely Teardrops Jackie Wilson - 1958

Crazy He Calls Me - Billy Holiday - 1959

All Of You - Billy Holiday - 1959

Goldfinger - Shirley Bassey - 1964

My Girl - The Temptations - 1965

When A Man Loves A Woman - Percy Sledge - 1966

It's A Man's World - James Brown - 1966

If You Go Away - Shirley Bassey - 1967

Days Of Love - Tony Bennett - 1967

This Guys In Love With You - Herb Albert - 1968

Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Diana Ross - 1968

It's A Man's Man's World - James Brown - 1968

Woodstock - Written by Joni Mitchell - 1969

Something - The Beatles - 1969

Your Song - Elton John - 1970

I Will Be There - Jackson 5 - 1970

Your Song - Elton John - 1970

Your Song - Cher - 1970

Let's Stay Together - Al Green - 1971

Me and Bobby Mc Gee -Janis Joplin - 1971

You Are The Sunshine Of My Life - Stevie Wonder - 1973

Let's Get It On - Marvin Gaye - 1973

You're The First, My Last My Everything - Barry White - 1974

I Honestly Love You - Olivia Newton John - 1974

You Are So Beautiful - Joe Cocker - 1975

Love Will Keep Us Together - Captain and Tennille - 1975

Love To Love You Baby - Donna Summers - 1975

99 Miles From L.A. - Johnny Mathis - 1975

Turn Out The Lights - Teddy Pendergrass

You Light Up My Life - Debbie Boone - 1977

Just The Way You Are - Billy Joel - 1977

Cruisin' - Smokey Robinson - 1979

Starting Over - John Lennon 1980

Endless Love - Diana Ross and Lionel Richie - 1982

Up Where We Belong - Joe Cocker - 1982

Billy Jean - Michael Jackson - 1983

Hello - Lionel Richie - 1984

Sweet Love - Anita Baker - 1986

Here and Now - Luther Vandross - 1989

Emotions - Mariah Carey - 1991

Save The Best for Last - Vanessa Williams - 1992

I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston - 1992

Have I Told You Lately - Rod Stewart - 1993

What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner - 1993

I'll Stand By You - Pretenders - 1994

Candle In The Wind - Elton John - 1997

My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion - 1998

If I Could Turn Back Time - Cher - 2001

Edith Piaf, Billy Holiday, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Mathis, James Brown, Shirley Bassey and Tony Bennett are not Baby Boomers. Classical popular artists singing  love songs that lovers enjoy in every county and generation. Classical love songs are played currently. Baby Boomer musical artistians have carried on this musical tradition. Like their predecessor Baby Boomers Classic Love Songs played in every country and will last for generations.

Senior Dating Idea
At Home Lunch or Dinner
Light Up the Fireplace Enjoy Old Love Songs
Relax and Reminisce - Senior Friend Finders

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Senior Friend Finder - Questions to Ask Dating Service?

Senior Finder: Questions to Asking Dating Service
Venturing into senior online dating make an informed choice when choosing a service. Over 50 years of age your concentration maybe on dating seniors with the similar life history and experiences, values and morals. There are literally hundreds of dating services available. Questions to ask dating services will give a structural foundation when deciding on what service meets your needs and requirements. Below are general questions pepper these questions with additional individual questions. Dating services technical dating providing compatible meaningful matchmaking.

Questions To Asking Dating Services

When was Online Dating Service established and what is its reputation?

How many members

What are locations (local, national, international)?

If international dating services provided in what countries?

What typed of relationships is service geared for ( casual relationships or serious relationships)?

What languages provided for members ( English, Spanish, German and etc. )?

Does Online Service have separate Customer Service Department?

Is customer service email, phone contact or both?

If customer service is strictly email what is the response time per member?

What Is Average Members Time Frame With The Company ( example 1 - 12 months) ?

Are There Referrals From Active Members?

Research dating service reviews online.

Does service provide background checks on members?
Check dating services participants screening process and the type of reporting measures that the online service provides. The majority of online dating members are honest and sincere but there are online scam artists. Inquire if the online service requires background checks per members? If not you may want to do your own background check with the other parties consent.

Better Business Bureau
Check with the Better Business Bureau verify if online dating service is a member. If dating service is a member check complaints against the service. Additionally, if you are a member of a dating service that is a member of Better Business Bureau, you are able to file a complaint against the company.

Inquire if service is free or requires paid membership.
If dating service requires paid subscription know the terms and conditions.

Research What Each Online Service Offers.
- Verify subscription and monthly fees for each dating service. Based on fees what benefits are included for members?
- What method is compatibility system based. Success rate of services compatibility system.
- Chat Rooms
- Forums
- Email Service
- Photos
- Personal Personality Analysis
- Suggestion for best match
- Dating Online Tips
- Dating Online Safety Tips
- Member Background Checks
- If service member of Better Business Bureau.

E-Mail Account
For online dating create a separate email account. The separate e-mail account provides anonymity and can be cancelled is necessary. Inquire if service provides separate email account for each member?

Novice or Advanced Computer Users
You maybe a novice or advanced computer user. Does the dating service provide tutorials on computer and Internet services. For a novice, nothing could be worse than becoming a member and not understanding computer, online services and email accounts.  For advances computer users you may need guidance with computer or online issues that may arise.

Seniors do not be intimidated or shy asking any questions or concerns you may have. Make a list before contacting service. Professional services should be able to address your concerns or questions. Dating is a big personal step. You need confidence that the service can provide a safe environment, dependable support, reliable and proven success matching compatible mates.

Decide Which Senior Online Service is Best For You.
Senior Friend Finders - Meet Senior Singles

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46 Senior Online Dating Tips - Be Safe Tips

Senior Online Dating and Safety Tips
 46 Senior Online Dating Tips -
Dating Safety Tips Women and Men

Lifelong Profession you may have dedicated your life to your profession. Not realizing that time was flying by. Profession first relationships were a second or third priorities. In this economy professional stability may have vanished with downsizing or lay-offs.  May have been married, divorced, widowed or never married. As a mature adult professional goals were met or compromised. Now looking for someone to share your life with. Online dating opens up a vista of potential compatibile dates.
Image senior dating members locally, nationally and internationally. Professional  senior compatibility matches. Like everything else in life there are dating safety tips. Review safety tips if your second sense gives a warning pay attention and move on. 

Empty Nest and Single
When children leave home it can leave an empty space in parent's life. After all, parents have devoted their life to their children and now they are gone off to build their own life. Not only are the children grown but now you maybe divorced or widowed. This a time when baby boomers have to regroup. Focus on your own life. Think of it as a renaissance. Senior may want to go back to school or take that special art  or craft class you did not take 20 years ago.Take challenging classes that simulates the mind. Senior back to school and volunteer ideas.  Seniors well skills and highly educated have so many valuable life experiences you may want to participate in your favorite charitable organization. Participate in social activities great way to interact with other people.

When the time is right consider online dating. Consider safety tips when online dating. These safety tips are not exclusive to online dating but any dating experience. Most people are sincere and honest. On the other hand, there are some people that you need to take precautions. It is unfortunate that you have to exercise dating safety rules because of a few bad apples but that is the reality. Date safety and wisely.

Dating Online Safety Tips:

1. Be Yourself
Senior dating is brave big step. First dates can be nerve racking and it is O.K. being nerves. You may not have been on a date in a long time. You may have met your previous mate in high school, college or in the work place. At that time, dating online was not the vogue. You and your previous mate had a history. You both knew each other's similarities and differences. Your meeting someone you do not know. You are in new territory. You maybe intimidated and insecure. Those feeling are understandable and normal. BUT just be yourself. Be truthful. Common complaints are that some online daters are dishonesty about appearance, age and weight. Male tend to under state their ages and women understate their weights. Let us me realistic daters come in all appearances, ages and weights. Men have a dilemma should they be chivalrous or is the new date independent. The answer is be self. You are looking for someone that wants to date you for your real self. Not someone that you think or they think you should be. Do not camouflage just be your Beautiful Baby Boomer Self. RELAX your new baby boomer date is just as nerve.

2. Adult Conversation
You and your former partner probably shared religious, political, family and money views. Over time you may have accepted your former partner's differing opinions. Your knew your former partner's history. Your first date is a stranger. You cannot explore the whole person on the first date but a few topic tips. A few topic tips to get a conversation started. are hobbies, movies, music, book favorites and favorite foods. You may want to mention places of birth, parents and siblings. Do not harp on and on about your ex. Keep the conversation positive and light. Over time both and your new partner's feelings, interests, professional goals, family values, temperaments and life goals will be revealed.

3. Be Courteous and Polite
Boomers "Old School" but can never steer you wrong. Kindness and consideration goes a long way. Little things like "Thank You" and "Excuse Me".

4. Be Safe
You are going out with someone you do not know. Tell someone you trust where you are going and who you going with. Keep your cell phone charged at all times. Let your contact know approximately when you will return home. If you get a creepy feeling on the first or second date it is not rude to excuse yourself and leave. You can always call a cab or have a friend pick you up. Always have extra money in case you need to call a cab. Having extra money is a special dating tip for women. Another independent approach would be meeting your date at a said location. This way no one is dependent on transportation to or from a date. Uncomfortable apprehensive situations have to be avoided. Boomer dating tip go with your instincts.

5. Independence:
On the first or second date each party may want to pay for the date jointly. Call it dutch dating. That way no one has to feel obliged. Benefit of maturity is self-awareness and independence. You know what you like and do not like all relationships require compromise but retain your independence. Respect independence in others.

6. There Is No Rush:
Most senior online dating sites protect your anonymity. Real first and last names should not be used in profiles. Your user name should be a name you are comfortable with but does not divulge you identity. Chat rooms or forums gives members the opportunity to see how other members interact in group settings. Topics vary daily, social and current events. Your may want to be active in forums or just observe other members. There is no obligation to engage in chat rooms or forums if they are not for you.

7. One-on-one chats online let the conversation flow truthfully and naturally. Compare it to meeting a person personally. Do not push take it slow. Do not feel that your have to fabricate questions or answers trying to impress. Your looking for a solid relationship not a relationship built on sand. Conversely, if the member your communicating with conversation appears to pushy and or concocted you may want to move on. Online chats should move along positively at a natural pace. Interested in a first date give your first name (only) and phone number.

8. Initially just used your nickname in forums and chat rooms. One-on-one online chats retain user name until your comfortable with giving first name and phone number. On first and second date may want to bring a friend or set up a group party or activity (coffee shop or picnic). If dating alone always make friend or family member aware of date time and return time. Always have a charged cell phone and extra cash. Extra cash in case you have to call a taxi home. This seems like a lot of precautions. Generally, it is the same rules to follow on a traditional date excluding online screening, forums and online chats. This main thing to remember is do not feel rushed to engage in a date. Most people are not computer wiz's. Take as much time as you need to familiarize yourself with the dating service and system. Understand online dating profiles, forums and chat rooms. Accustom yourself  to  new way of dating there is no rush.

9. In any dating situation all parties have to be respectful of the other person's time. Do not feel obliged to answer every phone call, text message or email. If it is a last minute date arrangement you are not obliged to go on the date. Dating should be comfortable and unrestricted. One ideal quality would be joint respect of each others time and personal life-style. Baby Boomers have been around the dating block once or twice wait for that special one that is considerate. Understanding of Time. Mature adults have busy live styles and social demands. Set aside a special date time comfortable for both partners.

10. While on your date concentrate on your date. It is rude and not impressionable having a wondering eye or flirting with strangers while on your date. If date has a wondering eye or flirts during date that maybe sign to consider. It is rude to spend the majority of the date on the cell phone, texting or on the lap top. If the date is obsessed with the cell phone, texting or on lap top may be a signal of opposite mates real priority and it may not be dating?

11. You maybe having a great time or maybe having a miserable time on your date. Remember do not drink too much. One drink impairs judgements. It is a sure bet that three drinks will blur judgement.  If the date is successful or a flop keep your disposition.

Family or Best Friend Security:
12. There is nothing like the emotional support of  family or best friend. On the first or second date you may want your new date to meet your family or best friend. Sounds old fashion and yes they are going to give that date the once-over but the feedback maybe invaluable.

Joint Dating:
13. Seniors maybe insecure about initially dating one on one. Consider group dating. Invite friends or family members pick a dating spot. Plan a wine tasting party, coffee or tea bistro, picnic, tour a museum, art gallery, take a boat cruise of bay or harbor, group golfing, group tennis, dog park and etc.

Emotional Safety:
14. If there is a pattern that you can only call new partner's work place. Or if there is pattern that you can only call the home phone during certain hours. Maybe you can only call the new partner's cell phone number. It is possible the the new partner is married or living with someone. If the prospect is married just drop them. No one needs to know the drama why a married person would joined a single online dating service. If a married person has joined a single online dating service, they are initially showing deceit.

No Personal Background Information:
15. Someone that only wants you to reveal yourself and refuses to reveal anything of substance about themselves. Judge for yourself it maybe that the person is extremely shy and a wonderful listener or someone that is secretive and guarded. If it is the latter why is the other person guarded? You may want to ask why and get a satisfactory rely. Conversely, on the first or second date there is no need to disclose everything about yourself. Nice casual dating conversation tips are: favorite movies, favorite writers, favorite books, favorite vacation places and etc.

Background Checks:
16. Verify if dating service requires members to provide background checks. If service does not provide member background checks may want independent background check.

Blow Heart
17. If it sounds too GOOD to be true it maybe too good to be True. On online chats your potential date dines in Paris twice a month, has apartments in Los Angeles, New York and Paris and only attends celebrity parties may raise antennas. Could be a blow heart or truthful.

18. Unfortunately, there are scam artists or Gold Diggers. The majority of seniors dating online are just sincerely looking for a mate. Seniors have to be responsible with their personal finances. Never give personal information social security numbers, bank account numbers, stock portfolio information, mortgage information, home values and etc.. If a prospect request any of the above do not give any information. Protect your personal information. Never Never give Money.

Never TOO Old:
19. We are in a youth oriented society. With so much attention to youth Baby Boomer's neglect touting their positive qualities. Boomers are a large demographic portion of this society and the world. Seniors are living longer and have healthy active productive lives. Seniors have vast life experiences and knowledge that can only be acquired with time. Senior are vibrant, intelligent and a major contributing life force in any society. There is still so much ahead for seniors but WHY do it alone. Share your valuable life with someone. Baby Boomer online dating increased 140% from 2006-2007. You maybe a divorcee, widow, widower or never found that right ONE. Senior dating is a new journey and it is your time to find that special mature someone only for you.

Change in Daily Routine:
20. Dating can be exhilarating and exhausting. Do not neglect yourself, family and profession. Maintain your daily regiment with a little time set aside for a new date.

21. For serious dates discuss health issues. One or both companions may have health issues. There maybe family members that have serious health issues. If one or both partners have health issues or a family member has serious health issues that can effect the relationship it is best to discuss the issue upfront.

22. Fear of rejection is not based on age. Women and men both have the fear of rejection. Humans want to be accepted and loved. With baby boomers online dating increases the fear. Dating sites require members to write self profiles and provide photos. Boomers may feel those requirement are a form of marketing. It is a form of marketing. On the other hand, necessary marketing for matching compatible mates. Online Dating Big Lies both Women and Men: age, weight, height, photos not current and money. Embellished photos and profiles may be a result of fear of rejection. Boomers let us be serious with age comes extra pounds, a few wrinkles and gray hair that is the beauty of aging. Sincere Seniors dating online are seeking honesty and true compatible mates. With honest profiles and photos do not fear rejection you are ahead of the dating game because you have been honest. The chemistry may not be there on the first or second date it is O.K. Senior Dating Services provide hundred of thousands of senior women and senior men members worldwide looking for serious relationships.

Do Not Take Too Seriously
23. Getting back into the dating game is a challenge but not the end of the world. Safely date, take your time and keep your sense of humor.

New Ways to Communicate
24. Skype: Online telephone video service. Communicate online with real time video. Good way to communicate and see your date while talking.

Dating Services:
There are more than 1,400 online dating services. Research the dating companies and services provided.

  • 25. How reputable is the service? Can research reviews online and with Better Business Bureau.
  • 26. How long have they been in business?
  • 27. How many members?
  • 28. Is service free or paid subscription?
  • 29. What are terms and monthly fees?
  • 30.What dating categories are available (single, senior, single parent, Christian, Jewish, Asian, Hispanic and etc.)?
  • 31. Is there customer service?
  • 32. What type of customer service email, phone or both?
  • 33. Does service provide dating safety tips?
  • 34. Does service provide online dating tips?
  • 35. What compatibility matching technological system is used and how successful is system?
36. Before submitting your personal profile to dating service check spelling, grammar and submit a current photo.
Common untruths in profiles are old photos, age and weight. Save time and be truthful.

37. Dating services gives members nickname. Never give your real name in chat boards and when communicating via email with new members you just met. When comfortable with new friend may want to give real name.

38. Dating services give members individual email addresses. Never give your personal email in chat boards or when communicating via email with new members. When comfortable with new friend may want to give your personal email for communication. The advantage to having a separate members email account is that it can be cancelled at anytime.

Personal Phone Number
39. Senior dating services do not provide member's personal phone numbers. Do not give your personal phone number in chat boards or initial one-on-one email communications. Again if you are comfortable with a member and would like them to be your friend then give your personal phone number.

Home and Office Address:
40. Senior dating members do not disclose your home or business address in chat rooms or initial one-on-one emails. When very comfortable with a new friend or before a 1st or 2nd date disclose your home address.

Be Optimistic But Realistic:
41. It is great temptation to just to get out of the house. If you are expecting Fireworks on the first date that probably will not happen and does not mean that the chemistry may not happen over time. On that first date there maybe a comfort level and common interests. You may want to be broad minded and go on a second date. But if there is no chemistry, disappointed and you are uncomfortable pass the second date. An example would be that the person allergic to dogs and you have 3 dogs in your home. Another example would be, you love music and the other person dislikes the sound of music. You maybe divorces with 3 grown children and 4 grandchildren. Your prospective date has never been married and has no children. Additionally, the prospect does not like children. These maybe signals that this is not the relationship for you. A key to a lasting relationship is compatibility. There will be winning and loser dates. You are looking for the WINNER. There is an old saying, "You Have to Kiss a Few Frog before you get to a Prince". No problem that is why you are a member of Senior Online Dating thousands of Baby Boomer dating prospects looking for causal or long term companionship, like minded interests, same religion, mutual respect and ideas, love or marriage. Do not put all of your eggs in one basket have fun and do not dating too seriously. Like anything else worth finding the perfect date may take time but you may meet valuable friends on your journey. Have a Sense of Humor

Sense of Humor
42. Always keep your sense of humor.

Rush Job:
43. If dating member has a "Now or Never" attitude Never Is Safer. Serious dating requires couples considerable time to get to know each other. This is not a sprint race but a marathon race. Slow, consistent and study wins the race.

44.. You will not be attracted to all members on the senior online dating service. Conversely, not all of the baby boomer online dating members will be attracted to you. You may find that special one on the first date but more than likely it is going to take time. Do not put yourself under undue pressure and enjoy yourself, be safe and use good judgement but keep a GOOD sense of humor. Seniors Have a Good Time and Sense of Humor.

45.  Safe Sex

Do Not Fly Without Your Parachute! Senior practice safe sex.
Senior Safe Sex - Read More

46. No More Frogs

Too Old to Kiss Frogs

Senior Online Dating Tips
Senior Friend Finders - Meet Senior Singles
Online Dating Sites Dedicated to
Senior Dating

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