Saturday, July 7, 2012

Senior Meet Singles - Want Community Garden?

Senior Community Gardening and Gardening Tips Natural Pest Repellents -
Senior Meet Single

Little Plot of Land
Have you met that special Senior Friend?
Senior meet singles at community gardening. Nice place to share ideas and build something together. Try your hands at Community Gardening. A few days ago when to Ocean View Farms. A nonprofit community garden in West Los Angeles, California. A 6 acre community garden. Member have 15' by 15' garden and flower plots. Approximate annual fee is $75.00 including organic soil plots and common water systems. This community farm project practices organic gardening techniques. Gated community gardening community members only allowed. There are specific gardening rules and hours. Grow vegetables and fruits: cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, onions, berries, strawberries and etc. Dedicate plot to flowers: roses, cosmos, iris, gladiolas and etc. Urban dwellers community gardens provides to grow your own foods and excess foods can be contributed to those needy in the community. Growing vegetable and fruits may not be for you. Can always start and maintain a beautiful flower garden. Define if your looking for an organic or conventional community garden. For a community gardens near your location check Google.
10 Best Community Gardens in Los Angeles County, California

 Vegetable and Fruit Gardens

Garden Community Walkway

Grow Your Own Squash
Fig Tree

 Nutritious Greens
Mint-Up Your Meals

 Rosemary (Herb)

Corn Stalks



Flower Gardens

Wild Flowers and Dwarf Lemon Tree
Rose Garden

Wild Flowers 

Cosmos Garden 


Gardening Tips
Flowers can be Garden Plant Pest Repel.
Flowers and Herbs Can Help Your Garden GROW!

Flowers and herbs have multiple uses. Flowers beautifier any yard or potted on patio or balcony. Herbs are space savers and can be grow in the kitchen or outdoors. Modern consumer are growing their own herbs for cooking. Flowers and herbs can not only be used for beautification or nutrition. Your flower or  herbal gardens can be integrated into your vegetable garden and repel pests. Those pretty flowers and herbs will enhance the appearance of your vegetable garden decor while chasing away those destructive plant pests. Additional advantage is that flowers and herbs are natural healthy pest repellents free of commercial toxins and aids the environment. 
  • Marigold help your tomatoes grow. Known to ward off pest naturally. The French Marigold best for warding off white flies from tomatoes and bad nematodes in the soil.
  • Basil is a fly and mosquito repellent. Place basil near outdoor eating areas and ward off those creepy pests.
  • Borage a annual herb known as "Star flower".  Flowers are blue, white or pink. borage repels horn worms and cabbage worms. May increase any plants resistance to pests and disease.
  • Chrysanthemums comes in white, yellow or pink. Pest repent in garden.
  • Clovers part of pea family. There are approximately 300 different species of the plant. Has small flower commonly in white or pink.  Clovers improves soil quality and attracts insects that chases off pests.
  • Dahlias different shapes and colors. Beautiful garden combined with vegetable garden repels nematodes in the soil.
  • Nasturtiums keeps bugs away from squash and broccoli plants
  • Petunias protects garden beans from beetles.
  • Oregano keeps bugs away from cucumbers.
  • Geraniums keeps Japanese beetles away from corn.
  • Lavender beautiful small  lavender flowers spike above the foliage. Lavender beautifies any flower or vegetable garden. Natural repellent for both moths, fleas, silverfish fleas and white flies.
  • Mint  repels ants, flies, fleas, mice and rats. It has been found that rubbing mountain mint on clothes deters chiggers and ticks. 
Senior Meet Singles start a plant or flower garden. Great way to get fresh air, enjoy nature, exercise and
Have a jointed project of Beauty. 
Senior Friends Meet!
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